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Showing posts from May, 2022

Cataracts in childrens

A cataract means any opacity of the lens.Cataract is not the common problem in pediatric practice, but it is the most common cause of treatable childhood blindness. Some are detected incidentally on clinical examination, majority are observed by the parents or caretakers & others may present with visual complaints. Cataracts are more common in low birth weight infants (< 2500 g). The differential diagnosis of cataracts in infants & children includes a wide range of causes like developmental disorders, congenital infections, inflammatory disorders, metabolic diseases and toxic and traumatic insults. Cataracts may also develop secondary to intraocular diseases, such as retinopathy of prematurity, retinal detachment, retinitis pigmentosa, uveitis etc. Inherited & syndromic conditions also have cataracts, besides other features. Prematurity: A special type of lens chan