Diabetes mellitus (DM) comprises a group of common metabolic disorders that share the phenotype of hyperglycemia. Several distinct types of DM exist and are caused by a complex interaction of genetics, environmental factors, and life-style choices. DM involves multiple organs is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease, non-traumatic lower extremity amputations, and adult blindness. With an increasing incidence worldwide, DM will likely continue to be a leading cause of morbidity and mortality for the foreseeable future
The two broad categories of DM are designated type 1 and type
Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Type 1A DM results from autoimmune beta cell
destruction, which usually leads to insulin deficiency. Type 1B DM is also
characterized by insulin deficiency as well as a tendency to develop ketosis.
However, individuals with type 1B DM lack immunologic markers indicative of an
autoimmune destructive process of the beta cells. The mechanisms leading to
beta cell destruction in these patients are
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Type 2 DM is a heterogeneous group of disorders
usually characterized by variable degrees of insulin resistance, impaired
insulin secretion, and increased glucose
production. Distinct genetic
and metabolic defects in insulin action
and/or secretion give rise to the common phenotype of hyperglycemia
in type 2 DM the identification of distinct pathogenic processes in type 2 DM
has important potential therapeutic implications, as pharmacological agents
that target specific metabolic derangements become available
Other Specific types of DM
· Genetic defects
of beta cell function / Genetic defects in insulin action.
· Diseases of
exocrine pancreas.
· Endocrinopathies
· Drug or chemical induced
· Infections
· Uncommon forms of
immune mediated diabetes
· Other genetic
Syndromes sometimes associated with diabetes.
Gestational DM (GDM)
Glucose intolerance may develop and first become
recognized during pregnancy. Insulin resistance related to the metabolic
changes of late pregnancy increases insulin requirements and may lead to
hyperglycemia or impaired glucose tolerance. Most women revert to normal
glucose tolerance postpartum but have a substantial risk (30 to 60%) of
developing DM later in life. For diagnosis of GDM, Standard OGTT is to be used.
Pregnant women who meet the WHO criteria for DM or IGT are classified as having GDM. The significance of IFG in pregnancy
remains to be established. Any woman with IFG, however, should undergo a 75g
OGTT (Standard OGTT).
3 Diagnostic
Criteria is given in the Table below
Whole Blood Glucose |
Plasma Glucose (mg/dl) |
Venous |
Capillary |
Venous |
Capillary |
IFG (Impaired Fasting
Glucose) |
Fasting |
>100 (5.6 mmol / dl) <110 (6.1
mmol / dl) |
>100 (5.6 mmol / dl) <110 (6.1
mmol/dl) |
>100 (5.6 mmol / dl) <126 (7.0 mmol / dl) |
>110 (6.1 mmol/dl) <126 (7.0 mmol / dl) |
2 hrs Post Glucose |
<120 (6.7 mmol / dl) |
<140 (7.80 mmol/dl) |
<140 (7.80 mmol/dl) |
<160 (8.96 mmol/dl) |
IGT (Impaired Glucose Tolerance) |
Fasting |
<110 (6.1 mmol/dl) |
<110 (6.1 mmol/dl) |
<126 (7.0 mmol/dl) |
<126(7.0 mmol/dl) |
2 hrs Post Glucose |
>120(6.72mmol / dl) <180 (10. mmol / dl) |
>140 (7.8 mmol / dl) <200(11.1
mmol / dl) |
>140(7.80 mmol/dl) <200(11.1
mmol / dl) |
>160(8.9 mmol / dl) <200 (11
mmol / dl) |
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) |
Fasting |
>110 (6.1 mmol/dl) |
>110(6.1 mmol/dl) |
>126(7.0 mmol/dl) |
>126(7.0 mmol/dl) |
2 hrs Post Glucose |
>180 (10. mmol / dl) |
>200(11.1 mmol / dl) |
>200(11.1 mmol / dl) |
>200(11.1 mmol / dl) |
Initial Evaluation. A detailed clinical and laboratory evaluation will
be carried out to assess: -
Severity of carbohydrate intolerance.
Predisposing conditions like obesity, pancreatitis
Associated diseases like hypertension, CAD,
hyperlipidemia, etc.
Diabetic complications if any.
Functional capacity of the individual.
Investigations to be carried out for assessment of Diabetes
· Routine Blood
haemogram and counts
· Urine routine and microscopy
· Urine for microalbuminuria
· Blood Sugar F and
· HbA1C or
Glycosylated Hb
· Dilated
· Biochemical
profile including Urea, Creatinine, uric acid
· Lipid Profile
· Insulin assay (if
· USG Abdomen (KUB region)
· Nerve Conduction
velocities (if indicated)
· Tests for
autonomic system (if indicated)
Follow up Investigations
· Sugar F / PP and
Hb A-1C
· Urine for
microalbuminuria (if indicated as part of follow up)
· Lipid profile
· Biochemical
profile annually
· ECG annually
· TMT once in 2
· Dilated
Fundoscopy annually
· Fundus
photography (if indicated)
Assessment of Diabetic Control
(a) Grades of control.
Grade of control |
Plasma Glucose (mg/dl) |
Hb A1c |
Fasting |
2 hrs |
Grade I (Good) |
< 110 (6.1 mmol / dl) |
<140 (7.80 mmol / dl) |
< 6 |
Grade II (Acceptable) |
<126(7.0 mmol / dl) |
< 180(10.08 mmol / dl) |
< 7 |
Grade III (Fair) |
< 140(7.80 mmol / dl) |
< 200(11.1 mmol / dl) |
< 8 |
Grade IV (Poor) |
> 140(7.80 mmol / dl) |
> 200(11.1 mmol / dl) |
> 8 |
Serum cholesterol or Lipid Profile should be normal
for Grade I (good control).
Presence of associated diseases like hypertension,
IHD, Cerebrovascular insufficiency, which require medication for stabilization,
will indicate lower grade of control in respect of diabetes mellitus.
Presence or absence of diabetic complications which
effect functions of the target organs, will also determine the grade of control
e.g. Grade I diabetic control means good blood glucose values with normal HbA1C
/ Gly Hb and serum cholesterol / Lipid profile. Any significant abnormality in
Gly Hb / HbA1C and serum cholesterol/Lipid profile will make the diabetic
control as Grade II.
(c) In diabetics stabilized
with drugs / insulin the control is to be assessed by blood glucose fasting and 2 hrs after breakfast
instead of 75 g oral glucose load.
of Diabetes
The P1 status
pertains to pilots fully fit for all flying duties, including instructional duties.
P2 status pertains to fit for all flying duties except
instructional duties and trainer captain in flight.
8 Renal Glycosuria. All cases of
Renal glycosuria will be considered fit for flying duties
IFG / IGT. All cases of IFG / IGT will be considered fit
for all flying duties and they will be
granted a P1 status. All subsequent renewals / reviews will held be at IAM /
AFCME only every 6 months.
Diabetes Mellitus. All aircrew
detected to have DM will be initially made unfit for flying for 03 months,
disposal thereafter will be as per the grade and type of control with only
dietary restrictions or permitted OHA, as given below
(a) Grade I Control
with non-pharmacological means.
Grade I control achieved with dietary restrictions,
exercise and suitable weight reduction will be cleared to fly as P1, with all subsequent
reviews at IAM / AFCME every six months. Under the above clause the following
criteria will have to be met: -
There are no symptoms.
(ii) Control is
without drugs on a balanced diet and calorie intake is optimum for aircrew
duties without causing any functional impairment.
(iii) Certificate from
the individual stating that he is not on any oral hypoglycemic medication or
any form of medication for control of his diabetic status.
(iv) Fitness
Certificate from the treating Physician / Endocrinologist including the fact
that the individual is not on any oral hypoglycemic medication or any form of
medication for control of his diabetic status.
(v) There have no
been previous diabetic complications or existing complications, if any, have
fully regressed.
(vi) Blood glucose
profile (Fasting and 2 hours after 75 g glucose) demonstrates Grade I (Good)
response of blood (plasma) glucose values at least on two occasions with an
interval not less than 12 weeks.
HbA1C, urine microalbumin levels and lipid profile
are within normal limits
and there is no
evidence of any target organ damage.
(viii) Associated
diseases like IHD, Hypertension or dyslipidemia are being controlled by drugs,
which are generally permissible with flying.
(b) Grade II Control
with non-pharmacological means. After 03 months of unfit status if he is
found to have Grade II control, they will be awarded a P2 status and followed
up at IAM / AFCME, every six months. If on review he is found to have Grade I
control his disposal will be as in para 10 (a)
Grade I Controlled with Pharmacological means (Single Drug)
During the initial observation of 03 months when the
aircrew is unfit for flying duties, if he needs to be put on medication, the
same will be instituted. However, only Plain Metformin (maximum 2 gm / day) is to
be considered compatible with flying. Extended / delayed release preparations
of Metformin are not acceptable for flying duties. The period of unfitness for
aircrew on Tab Metformin shall be from the date the aircrew is stable on
medicine with stable blood sugar values and not the date that he is made unfit
for NIDDM.
After a total period of non-flying status of 03 + 03
months or more, (depending on stabilization of drug dosage and blood sugar
values) if the glycemic control achieved is Grade I he will be declared fit as
P1, with all subsequent reviews at IAM /
AFCME. A certificate from the individual as well as treating physician /
endocrinologist with regards to medication being taken will be attached as
mentioned in para 10 (a).
He will not be permitted to fly if has other
associated disease like IHD, Hypertension or dyslipidemia. However, the
boarding center on the merits of individual case may consider P1 / P2 status in
some cases if the coexisting disabilities are well stabilized with medication
compatible with flying.
During each review every six months, the individual
will be re-evaluated in detail with regard to grade of control and assessment
of target organ involvement.
Grade II Control with Single Drug. After instituting Metformin, if the Glycemic control
is found to be Grade II, the individual will be awarded a permanent P2 status.
However, during subsequent reviews if the individual is able to demonstrate a
Grade I control with life style modifications alone or with a single
permissible drug he will be disposed of as mentioned in sub para (b) and (c)
ante respectively.
Grade II Control with Multiple Drugs or Insulin or
Grade III and IV Control. Uncontrolled
diabetes and those requiring oral hypoglycemics other than biguanides, a
combination of two drugs or insulin in any form will be declared permanently
unfit for flying.
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