During the pandemic special children with Developmental Delay had problem to attend the Child Development Center. They were advised Stimulation Programs according to their mental and motor milestones. The list of toys was given to the parents and how to play was also explained. Follow up was done on WhatsApp video call. We used Trivendrum Scale by Dr. M. K. C. Nair for screening; we also used Developmental Observation Card as a screening test. The milestones observed were social smile at 2 months, neck holding at 4 months, sitting at 8 months, standing at 12 months. We have to confirm that child obeys command, listen, hear and speak 2 – 3 words at 12 months.
.Following pictorial therapies with checklist were given to parents with instructions.
1. Neck Holding
E.I. for Head Control
· Carry the child in upright position.
The child is made to lie on stomach, a role is placed under
chest encourage the child to lift & hold his head by showing colorful toy.
· Slowly lift the child from lying down
position holding axilla, to sitting
position & then slowly
put him back to lying position there by stimulating to lift & hold head.(5
minutes x 4times/day)*
· If child do not lift his head, gently
stroke downwards over the neck muscle.
2. Sitting
E.I. for Sitting
Make the baby lie on the back holding at the axilla make her
come to sitting position, hold her in this position and then make her lie
down.(5minutes x 4 times a day)*.
· Make the child sit across his mother’s knee,
just tilt the child forward and
sideways, so that he righting reflex.
outstretches the
hand. This helps in development of
Make the mother raise her knees up and down so he has to own balance
on his
· Make the child sit provide support and
toys, slowly reduces support.
3. Standing
E.I. for Standing
Place the child on his back gently
pull one of his shoulders diagonally across to the opposite side, the child
comes to the sitting position bearing weight on the other hand. This helps in
coming to sitting position on his own
· Make the child
stand leaning against the wall
· Make him come to
standing position holding a stool put toys
· Help him to
balance on an inclined surface
· Help him to walk
with support using both hands and later with
Simple methods for screening and therapies at home helped parents in achieving milestones.
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